Visual Processing Lab - Overview

Visual Processing Lab
(Sektion für klinische und experimentelle Sinnesphysiologie)

Processing Lab

(Sektion für klinische und experimentelle Sinnesphysiologie)
Professor Dr. rer. nat. habil. Michael B. Hoffmann

- in English -
Haus 60b - Karte
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg
Fon: +49 391 67 13585
Fax: +49 391 67 13570

Unser Leitmotiv − Innovation in der Augenheilkunde durch exzellenten . . .

• Augenblick• Durchblick• Weitblick
Präzision & Entwicklung
genaue Diagnostik
Sehen Verstehen
neue Therapien
nächsten Generation

Wir sind Teil der Klinik für Augenheilkunde der Universität Magdeburg und untersuchen mit einer großen methodischen Bandbreite Struktur und Funktion des Auges und des visuellen Gehirns. Unser Ziel ist präzise Diagnostik und die Bahnung neuartiger Therapien durch moderne Sehforschung.

• Unsere Diagnostik umfasst die subjektive und objektive Überprüfung von Funktion und Struktur des Sehsystems (Anforderungsformular Funktionsdiagnostik).

• Unsere Forschung zielt auf das Verständnis von Physiologie, Pathophysiologie und Plastizität des menschlichen Sehens und seiner Funktion in Hinblick auf neuartige Therapieansätze.

• Die umfassende Ausbildung der nächsten Generation von Fachpersonal, Studenten, Ärzten & Wissenschaftlern sowie die Entwicklung innovativer Ansätze sind bedeutende Säulen unserer Tätigkeiten.

NEWS . . .
(06/24) Sekretärin (m/w/d)
- zur Unterstützung unseres Teams
Stellenausschreibung Sekretärin
(06/24) Wissenschaftsfestival Tomorrow Labs in Magdeburg: "Tomorrow:Health" - Can you trust your eyes?
Marie Curie Fellow
(06/24) We welcome Amir Naderi (Doctoral candidate) who starts his PhD thesis work with us in the HORIZON Europe doctoral training network EGRET-AAA
welcome (06/24) We welcome the secretary Christiane Schwarzkopf who joined our team.
accepted (05/24) Beyer et al.
Treadmill-walking impairs visual function in early glaucoma and elderly controls
Graefe's Archive
MSc Thesis
(05/24) We welcome Hera Most (MSc Int Neurosci.) who starts her Master thesis work with us.
accepted (04/24) Korn et al.
Scotopic and Photopic Conventional Visual Acuity and Hyperacuity - Binocular Summation
welcome (04/24) We welcome the optometrist Stephan Weise who joined our team.
accepted (01/24) Jarrar et al.
Temporal-to-nasal macular ganglion cell and inner plexiform layer ratios in a large adult twin cohort: correlations with age and heritability
IOVS in press
accepted (01/24) van den Bosch et al.
Reproducibility of consecutive automated telemetric nocto-diurnal IOP profiles as determined by an intraocular implant..
BJO in press
(11/23) Congratulations to Dr. rer. nat. Robert Puzniak for the junior scientist award of the Society of Strabismus, neuro- and pediatric ophthalmology (GSNK) - former Bielschowsky Nachwuchspreis - for his thesis "Advanced imaging of congenital optic chiasm malformations".
lab visitor
(11/23) The orthoptist Ms Eierkuchen (Univ. Jena) joins us for a hospitation in our clinical electrophysiology.
Marie Curie Fellow
(11/23) We welcome Rohit Misra (Doctoral candidate) who starts his PhD thesis work with us in the HORIZON Europe doctoral training network EGRET-AAA
MSc Thesis
(11/23) We welcome Mahima Rebello (MSc Int Neurosci.) who starts her Master thesis work with us.
accepted (11/23) Al-Nosairy et al.
Altered perception of the bistable motion quartet in albinism
IOVS 64.14.39
accepted (09/23) Freitag et al.
Single- and dual-task gait performance of patients with open angle glaucoma: a cross-sectional study.
TVST 12:31
accepted (09/23) Puzniak et al.
CHIASM-Net: Artificial Intelligence-based direct identification of chiasmal abnormalities in albinism
IOVS 64:13.14
accepted (08/23) Molz et al.
Achromatopsia - limits to visual cortex plasticity in the absence of functional cones
IOVS 64:23
accepted (08/23) Käsmann-Kellner, Hoffmann (2023)
Achromatopsia : Clinical aspects, diagnostics, genes, brain and quality of life.
Ophthalmologie: 120:975-986
Defense (06/23) Congratulations to Katharina Rodenbeck - BSc-Thesis: "Gesichtsfeld-Screening mit der schnellen Kampimetrie: Abhängigkeit von Refraktionsfehlern und Lichtstreuung"
(06/23) Lange Nacht der Wissenschaft: Kopfkino
(05/23) We welcome the optometrist Rebecca Velmans who just joined our team.
lab visitor/collaborator
(04/23) We welcome the Marie Curie Fellow Dilce Tandreverdi (UMGC, Groningen, NL) who will do her OptiVisT secondment with us for six weeks on eye-movement based psychophysics in glaucoma.
accepted (04/23) Al-Nosairy et al.
Functional and structural readouts for early detection of retinal involvement in multiple sclerosis
Frontiers in Interative Neuroscience10.3389
lab visitor
(03/23) The technician Kerstin Römer (Unv. Düsseldorf) joins us for a one-week hospitation in our clinical electrophysiology.
(technical assistant)
(03/23) Orthoptist (m/w/d)
- zur Unterstützung der Orthoptik
- zu 10/2023
Stellenausschreibung Orthoptist
(03/23) We welcome the medical PhD student Sophie Vorholt who just joined our lab to start her thesis work
lab visitor
(02/23) We welcome the orthoptist student Julia Müller (Univ. Leipzig) who joins our section for a practical.
(01/23) Interesse an Teilnahme an unserer aktuellen Studie zu Amblyopie?
Kontakt: Anruf unter 0391 67 17770
Nähere Informationen
lab visitor
(01/23) We welcome the visiting PostDoc Enyam Morny (Alexander von Humboldt scholarship) who spends two weeks in our section for joint research efforts on visual function testing.
BSc Student
(01/23) We welcome the optometry student Katharina Rodenbeck (Berliner Hochschule für Technik) who joins our section for her bachelor thesis project on rapid campimetry.
lab visitor
(01/23) We welcome the orthoptist student Lea Schimanksky (Univ. Heidelberg) who joins our section for a practical.
lab visitor
(01/23) We welcome the orthoptist student Bahara Bitaraf (Univ. Düsseldorf) who joins our section for a practical.
research assistant
(12/22) We welcome Nastaran Takmil Homayouni (cand MSc. Medical Systems Engineering) who joins our section as a research assistant.
(PhD positions)
EU Logo EGRET-aaa Logo
(12/22) Within the unique european HORIZON Europe Joint Doctorate Training Network Egret-aaa
we are offering EU-funded PhD positions (duration: 3 years) for two projects
  • PhD 1 (Project 8):
    Multimodal assessment of retinal function in end-stage glaucoma
  • PhD 2 (Project 15):
    Cortical plasticity in advanced glaucoma with 7T fMRI
  • Informal enquiries are welcome by Prof. Michael Hoffmann
    Check out EGRET-aaa-Recruitment for application process, employment and elegibility conditions.
    Deadline for applications is February 28th 2023.
    PhD projects will start between July and October 2023.
    published (12/22) Eckermann et al.
    Comparison of DTL and gold cup skin electrodes for recordings of the multifocal electroretinogram.
    Documenta Ophthalmologica
    defense (12/22) Congratulations to Robert Puzniak - PhD-Thesis: "Advanced Imaging of Congenital Chiasmal Malformations"
    defense (12/22) Congratulations to Gokul Prabhakran - PhD-Thesis: "fMRI investigations of visual cortex dynamics: Impact of peripheral visual field restrictions"
    (12/22) We welcome the medical PhD student Cynthia Moffack who just joined our lab to start her thesis work
    lab visitor
    (11/22) We welcome the orthoptist student Muriel Classen (Univ. München) who joins our section for a practical.
    (11/22) We welcome the optometrist Laura Dietrich who just joined our lab to support our team as a study coordinator.
    (11/22) ISCA 2022 International Scientific Conference on Albinism
    2022 November 16th-19th
    (10/22) Pressemitteilung:
    Neue Methode zur Früherkennung von Glaukom entwickelt
    - Video-Kurzbeitrag
    MDR Sachsen-Anhalt Heute (07.10.22):
    Neuer Sehtest zur schnellen Diagnose von Augenerkrankungen
    lab visitor
    (10/22) We welcome the optometry student Katharina Rodenbeck (Berliner Hochschule für Technik) who joins our section for a practical.
    DOG 2022
    (10/22) DOG 2022 - Unsere DOG Stipendiaten Rosalie Scheida und Sophie Korn
    (09/22) Congratulations to Dr. rer. nat. Khaldoon Al-Nosairy for the add-on fellowship for Interdisciplinary Life Science awarded by the Joachim Herz Stiftung.
    (09/22) Jahrestreffen der Achromatopsie Selbsthilfegruppe e.V. in Magdeburg am 23/24.09.22
    (technical assistant)
    (09/22) Orthoptist (m/w/d)
    - zur Unterstützung der Funktionsdiagnostik
    Stellenausschreibung Orthoptist
    - baldmöglichst
    (09/22) Congratulations to Dr. rer. nat. Khaldoon Al-Nosairy for the DOG Wacker-Award for his PhD thesis entitled "Structure and function in glaucoma: OCT/A and ERG investigations".
    (09/22) Congratulations to cand. med. Rosalie Scheida for the scholarship award of a DOG-Doktorandenstipendium for her work on visual function during locomotion in glaucoma.
    accepted (08/22) Al-Nosairy et al.
    Optical coherence tomography as a biomarker for differential diagnostics in nystagmus: Ganglion cell layer thickness ratio
    Journal of Clinical Medicine 11:4941
    (08/22) We welcome the master optician Emely Gruhn who just joined our lab to support our clinical examinations.
    accepted (05/22) Bakker et al.
    The retinal pigmentation pathway in human albinism: not so black and white.
    Progress in Retinal and Eye Research
    accepted (05/22) van den Bosch et al.
    Effect of eyelid muscle action and rubbing on telemetrically obtained IOP in glaucoma patients with an intraocular pressure sensor implant.
    British Journal of Ophthalmology
    (05/22) Congratulations to Dr. Al-Nosairy for the junior research award of the school of medicine of the University of Magdeburg.
    Forschungspreis für wissenschaftlichen Nachwuchs der Medizinischen Fakultät der Universität Magdeburg.
    Press release/Pressemitteilung
    (technical assistant)
    (04/22) Orthoptist (m/w/d)
    - zur Unterstützung der Orthoptik
    - zu 10/2022
    Stellenausschreibung Orthoptist
    accepted (04/22) Mueller et al.
    Rapid campimetry - a novel screening method for glaucoma diagnosis.
    Journal of Clinical Medicine
    (04/22) We welcome the master optician Doreen Schmalz who just joined our lab to support our clinical examinations.
    Master thesis OPPORTUNITY
    (03/22) There is an opportunity to do a master thesis on fMRI of the visual cortex in our lab: Outline - Master thesis
    (02/22) We welcome the OptiVisT PhD students Akshara Gopiswaminathan and Safa Andac who just joined our lab to start their thesis work.
    (02/22) We welcome the medical PhD student Nidele Djouoma who just joined our lab to start her thesis work
    (technical assistant)
    (02/22) Optometrist/Optiker/Orthoptist/MTAF (m/w/d)
    - zur Unterstützung klinischer Tätigkeiten im Bereich Optik, Biometrie und Elektrophysiologie - zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
    accepted (12/21) Molz et al.
    Structural changes to primary visual cortex in the congenital absence of cone input in achromatopsia. Neuroimage Clinical (in press)
    Frontiers in Neuroscience (in press)
    (technical assistant)
    (12/21) Optometrist/Optiker/Orthoptist/MTAF (m/w/d)
    - zur Unterstützung der klinischen Elektrophysiologie
    - zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
    Stellenausschreibung Optiker/Optometrist
    lab visitor
    (12/21) The ophthalmologist Marta Wiacek from Poland spent a two week SOE scholarship in our lab to learn from our clinical electrophysiology routines
    EU Logo OptiVisT Logo
    (11/21) OptiVisT Symposium on November 26th
    "From the Basics to new INSIGHTS: Structure, function, disorders of the vision and action systems"
    => preliminary program
    If interested in participating you need to register: francie.kramer(at)
    (10/21) We welcome the optometrist Claudia Schulze who just joined our lab.
    accepted (09/21) Lowndes et al.
    Structural differences across multiple visual cortical regions in the absence of cone function in congenital achromatopsia.
    Frontiers in Neuroscience (in press)
    accepted (09/21) Puzniak et al.
    Deep learning-based detection of malformed optic chiasms from MRI images.
    Frontiers in Neuroscience (in press)
    accepted (09/21) Puzniak et al.
    CHIASM, the human brain albinism and achiasma MRI dataset.
    Scientific data (in press)
    (09/21) Congratulations to cand. med. Sophie Korn for the scholarship award of a DOG-Doktorandenstipendium for her work on binocular visual acuity
    (09/21) Online combined Moorfields eye hospital/UCL and ISCEV 2021
    Clinical Electrophysiology of Vision Course
    (09/21) We welcome the orthoptist Jana Helling who just joined our orthoptics.
    special issue
    (08/21) in "Eye" on "Visual electrophysiology": link to open access articles
    defense (08/21) Congratulations to Khaldoon Al-Nosairy - PhD-Thesis: "Structure and function in glaucoma: OCT/A and ERG investigations"
    (08/21) Prabhakaran et al.
    Mapping visual field defects with fMRI - impact of approach and experimental conditions.
    Frontiers in Neuroscience (in press)
    (07/21) Choritz et al.
    Telemedical applications in ophthalmology in times of COVID-19.
    Ophthalmologe (in press)
    (technical assistant)
    (07/21) Koordinations-/Studienassistenz (Optometrist/Optiker/Orthoptist/MTAF etc.)
    - zur Unterstützung elektrophysiologischer Messungen im Rahmen einer Studie
    - zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
    Stellenausschreibung Koordinations-/Studienassistenz
    (PhD position)
    EU Logo OptiVisT Logo
    (07/21) Within the unique european HORIZON 2020 Innovative Training Network OptiVisT we are offering a EU-funded PhD position on "Assessment of functional vision for daily life locomotion and navigation using VR" (duration: 3 years)
    Informal enquiries are welcome by Prof. Michael Hoffmann
    Check out OptiVisT-Recruitment for application process, employment and elegibility conditions.
    Deadline for applications is July 31st 2021.
    PhD projects will start in autumn 2021.
    (07/21) We welcome the medical PhD students Henricke Buhr, Elizabeth Quanz, Theresa Eckermann who just joined our lab to start their thesis work.
    (06/21) Congratulations to Francie Kramer (MSc Optometry) for the Rupp-und Hubrach award for her Master thesis entitled "VR-based investigation of orientation behavior in patients with glaucomatous visual deficits"
    (06/21) Prabhakaran et al.
    Functional dynamics of de-afferented early visual cortex in glaucoma.
    Frontiers in Neuroscience (in press)
    (06/21) Interesse an Teilnahme an unserer aktuellen Studie "Gehen mit Glaukom"?
    Kontakt: Anruf unter 0391 67 17770
    (05/21) Al Nosairy et al.
    Non-invasive electrophysiology in glaucoma, structure and function - a review.
    Eye (in press)
    (research assistant - HIWI)
    (04/21) wissenschaftl. studentische Hilfskraft (m/w/d) "HIWI"
    - zur Unterstützung elektrophysiologischer Patientenstudien
    - zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
    Stellenausschreibung HIWI
    (technical assistant)
    (04/21) Optometrist/Optiker/Orthoptist/MTAF (m/w/d)
    - zur Unterstützung der klinischen Elektrophysiologie
    - zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
    Stellenausschreibung Optometrist/Optiker/Orthoptist
    (technical assistant)
    (04/21) Orthoptist (m/w/d)
    - zur Unterstützung der Orthoptik
    - zum nächstmöglichen Zeitpunkt
    Stellenausschreibung Orthoptist
    (04/21) Michael Hoffmann has been appointed scientific head of the Orthoptics at the Ophthalmic Department in Magdeburg
    (03/21) Al-Nosairy et al.
    Structure-function relationship of retinal ganglion cells in multiple sclerosis.
    International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2021)
    (03/21) van den Bosch et al.
    Implanted microsensor continuous IOP telemetry suggests gaze and eyelid closure effects on IOP - a preliminary study.
    Investigative Ophthalmology & Vision Sciences (in press) IOVS (in press)
    Project Kick OFF

    EU Logo OptiVisT Logo
    (03/21) The European HORIZON 2020 Innovative Training Network OptiVisT has kicked-off.
    We are currently in the recruitment process - Two PhD students will start their projects soon in summer in the Visual Processing Lab.
    Pressrelease: "Augenforscher von morgen"
    (02/21) Hoffmann et al.
    Neuro-computational approaches for objective visual function assessment.
    Ophthalmologe (in press)
    (PhD positions)
    EU Logo OptiVisT Logo
    (12/20) Within the unique european HORIZON 2020 Innovative Training Network OptiVisT
    we are offering EU-funded PhD positions (duration: 3 years) for two projects
  • PhD 1 (Project 2):
    Visual evoked potential-based assessment of functional vision via natural stimulus perception
  • PhD 2 (Project 7):
    Assessment of functional vision for daily life locomotion and navigation using VR
  • Informal enquiries are welcome by Prof. Michael Hoffmann
    Check out OptiVisT-Recruitment for application process, employment and elegibility conditions.
    Deadline for applications is February 28th 2021.
    PhD projects will start between July and October 2021.
    (12/20) Hoffmann et al.
    ISCEV standard for clinical multifocal electroretinography (mfERG) (2021 update)
    Documenta Ophthalmologica (in press)
    (12/20) Pollmann et al.
    Preserved contextual cueing in realistic scenes in patients with age-related macular degeneration
    Brain Sciences (2020)
    in press
    (12/20) Puzniak et al.
    Tracking the visual system - from optic chiasm to primary visual cortex
    Zeitschrift für Epileptologie (in press)
    Defense (11/20) Congratulations to Francie Kramer - MSc-Thesis: "Virtual-Reality-basierte Untersuchung des Orientierungsverhaltens bei Patienten mit glaukomatöser Sehbeeinträchtigung"
    Defense (11/20) Congratulations to David Muranyi - PhD-Thesis: "Skotopische multifokale visuell evozierte kortikale Potenziale"
    Completion (10/20) EGRET/EGRET+ HORIZON ITN Program (2016-2020)
    (09/20) 5th European Days of Albinism
    2020 November 4th-7th
    (09/20) Interesse an Teilnahme an unserer aktuellen Studie "Gehen mit Glaukom"?
    Kontakt: Anruf unter 0391 67 17770
    (09/20) Al-Nosairy et al.
    Diagnostic performance of multifocal photopic negative response, pattern electroretinogram and optical coherence tomography in glaucoma
    Exp Eye Res (in press)
    (09/20) Al-Nosairy et al.
    Combined multi-modal assessment of glaucomatous damage with electroretinography and optical coherence tomography/angiography
    TVST ( in press)
    (08/20) Prabhakaran et al.
    Foveal pRF properties in the visual cortex depend on the extent of stimulated visual field.
    Neuroimage (in press)
    in press
    (07/20) Hamilton et al.
    ISCEV extended protocol for VEP methods of estimation of visual acuity.
    Documenta Ophthalmologica (in press)
    (06/20) Al-Nosairy et al.
    Use of a novel telemetric sensor to study interactions of intraocular pressure and ganglion cell function in glaucoma.
    British Journal of Ophthalmology (in press)
    (05/20) Hamilton et al.
    VEP estimation of visual acuity: a systematic review
    Documenta Ophthalmologica (in press)
    Defense (05/20) Congratulatioins to Phillip Freundlieb - PhD-Thesis: "Konventionelle Sehschärfe und Übersehschärfe: Vergleich photopischer und skotopischer Bedingungen"
    (04/20) Ahmadi et al.
    Triple visual hemifield maps in a case of optic chiasm hypoplasia.
    Neuroimage (in press)
    =cancelled =
    (due to COVID19)
    (04/20) Sehen Verstehen - Week-end seminar (Nationalpark Sächsische Schweiz)
    Date: 24-26th April 2020
    Last update by Michael Hoffmann