Training center for healthcare professions bids farewell to graduates

08.07.2024 -  

University Medicine Magdeburg congratulates its graduates at the graduation ceremony.

Actively shaping the future - that is the goal of the 52 graduates of the 2021 class of the Training Center for Healthcare Professions (AZG) at the University Medical Center Magdeburg. After successfully passing their state examination, they are now highly motivated to start their careers. On July 5, 2024, the graduates received their certificates during the graduation ceremony.


Photo: Students of the class of 2021 of the Training Center for Health Professions (AZG) Magdeburg in front of the canteen of the University Medical Center Magdeburg. Photographer: Ramon Kubatzki/UMMD

The acting director, class teachers and head teachers warmly congratulated the graduates of the medical-technical laboratory assistant and medical-technical radiology assistant courses as well as the generalist nursing training course.

"We would like to celebrate with you the successful completion and the beginning of a new chapter in your professional career. Your commitment, your passion and your determination have led you to the destination of your challenging training journey in our AZG," said Alice Schumann, Deputy Director of Nursing at Magdeburg University Hospital, in recognition of the graduates' achievements.

One of the highlights of the afternoon was the honoring of several graduates. Alice Schumann, representing the Association of Friends and Supporters of University Medicine Magdeburg (FFUMMD e.V.), honored outstanding achievements in the above-mentioned departments.

The graduation ceremony for the class of 2021 took place in the canteen, House 41, on the campus of University Medicine Magdeburg. The event was accompanied by music from pianist Sina Effinghausen.

The application phase for training or dual midwifery studies at the University Medical Center Magdeburg begins on August 15, 2024:

Last Modification: 15.07.2024 - Contact Person:

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