Strengthen your heart: Recognising heart failure and treating it in good time - Heart Weeks of the German Heart Foundation

25.10.2024 -  

To mark the German Heart Foundation ‘s Heart Weeks 2024 in November, Magdeburg University Hospital is organising three popular free events on the topic of the heart and providing information on risk prevention and current diagnostic and treatment options.

The following events will be organised:

Volksstimme - telephone forum

  • Date: 12 November 2024: 10.00 to 12.00 a.m.
  • Topic: ‘Heart disease! What to do? How to protect the heart?"
  • The Volksstimme listener telephone number is: (0391) 532970

In the telephone forum on the Volksstimme advice pages , Prof. Rüdiger C. Braun-Dullaeus, MD, Director of the University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology, and his colleague Dr Tarek Bekfani, MD, Senior Physician and Head of the Heart Failure and Cardiomyopathy Clinic, will answer listener questions and provide information on causes, risk prevention, diagnosis and treatment options. Around 1.5 to 2 million people in Germany suffer from atrial fibrillation. If atrial fibrillation remains unrecognised, it can lead to strokes and heart complications.

The two experts will provide information on the treatment options available to alleviate the symptoms and improve quality of life.

Medical Sunday

  • Date: 17 November 2024 Time: 10:30 am to 12:00 pm
  • Topic: ‘Heart disease! What to do? How to protect the heart?"
  • Venue: Main campus, university lecture theatre 1, building 26 (near the university library) in Pfälzer Straße.

At Medical Sunday, Prof Rüdiger C. Braun-Dullaeus, MD, Director of the University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology Magdeburg and his colleague Dörte Ahrens, MD, specialist in internal medicine; sports medicine; nutritional medicine (DAEM/DGEM), will give talks on new treatment options for heart disease and show how the heart can be protected for a healthy and long life.

The Medical Sunday is a co-operation between the Urania Magdeburg e.V., the Volksstimme and the University Medicine Magdeburg.

Lecture series: Science in the town hall

  • Date: 25 November 2024, time: 19:00 to 20:30
  • Location: Old town hall
  • Topic: ‘From young to old. Cardiovascular prevention across the lifespan"

Cardiovascular diseases cause the most deaths and the highest medical costs in Germany. Cardiovascular prevention - such as physical activity, a healthy diet, not smoking and the use of lipid-lowering drugs - can positively influence risk factors such as high blood pressure, obesity or high cholesterol levels and prevent secondary diseases such as heart attacks, heart failure or dementia. Dr Patrick Müller, assistant doctor at the University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology in Magdeburg, will demonstrate the potential and necessity of lifelong cardiovascular prevention in his lecture.

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Last Modification: 04.11.2024 - Contact Person:

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