
9th Ethics Day of the UMMD

06.05.2024 -

In everyday clinical practice, it is often not easy to find enough time to make ethically well-founded decisions. This is made much more difficult when the prognosis of an illness is unclear. Dealing with these and other morally challenging situations is the topic of the 9th UMMD Ethics Day on 13 June 2024.

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EDCareKids: Analysis of emergency pediatric care in Germany

03.05.2024 -

Nationwide research project investigates the current challenges and potentials of caring for acutely ill children and adolescents.


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Top places for medical studies in Magdeburg

02.05.2024 -

The Faculty of Medicine at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg has once again achieved top positions in the latest university ranking of the Center for Higher Education Development (CHE) in the field of medicine.

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Last Modification: 03.03.2020 - Contact Person:

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