EU GREEN - 2nd Staff Week WP2 ‘Education’ at the University of Évora, Portugal

02.08.2024 -  

As part of the EU GREEN Alliance, members of the University of Magdeburg met at the end of June for the second ‘Staff Week - WP 2 Education’ at the University of Évora, Portugal. Antje Hoffleit from the Office of the Dean of Studies also attended the event on behalf of the Faculty of Medicine. During the event, the current status of the nine work packages was discussed and goals were set for the coming months. A particular focus was on the planning of future degree programmes and the shared use of digital course content between the universities.

Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg (OVGU) is an active member of the EU GREEN Alliance, a network of nine European universities from Spain, Italy, France, Portugal, Sweden, Poland, Ireland, Romania and Germany. This alliance aims to promote sustainability in education, research, innovation and society. The initiative aims to create a European educational area that enables students to obtain a degree in several EU countries.

Next year, the Staff Week will be organised in Magdeburg to further intensify the cooperation. For further information and questions about EU Green or if you are interested in participating, please contact project manager Dr Anne Herbik (OVGU) and Saskia Schulze (Faculty of Medicine).

EU-Green Staff Meeting

Picture: EU-Green Staff Meeting Source: private

Last Modification: 22.08.2024 - Contact Person:

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