How good is nutritional knowledge in healthcare professions?

09.09.2024 -  

Health professionals from paediatrics and adolescent medicine are being sought to take part in an online survey as part of a nutritional study.

In a joint research project with Anhalt University of Applied Sciences and Dresden University of Technology, Magdeburg University Hospital is investigating the current state of nutrition education in healthcare professions, particularly in paediatrics and adolescent medicine. Specifically, the researchers want to find out how well prepared professionals such as paediatricians, midwives, lactation consultants, medical assistants in paediatric practices and nursing staff are on nutritional issues and how this knowledge is applied in practice. Healthcare professionals who work with children and adolescents and share their experiences and opinions on the topic of nutrition education are being sought to take part in an anonymous online survey.

The number of children and young people who are overweight or suffer from diet-related illnesses is constantly increasing. A healthy diet plays a crucial role in their development and long-term health. Health professionals are often the first point of contact for parents when it comes to nutritional issues. However, there is often a lack of comprehensive training and confidence in providing advice.

The study focuses in particular on outpatient paediatric practices. The findings from the survey should help to identify the need for support and further development in nutritional education. This can help to improve the health promotion of children and adolescents and prevent diet-related illnesses.

Click here for the survey: Take part now

The ‘Medical Nutrition Education’ (MedEB) project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.

Scientific contact

Privatdozentin Dr Anke Rißmann, Medical Director of Congenital Malformation Monitoring Saxony-Anhalt, Medical Faculty of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Phone: +49-391-6714174,

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Last Modification: 12.09.2024 - Contact Person:

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