New delivery of cute comfort teddies for the emergency room

25.06.2024 -  

The Central Emergency Department is once again receiving a new delivery of comforter teddies for our youngest patients to ease their fears of the examination and make their stay as pleasant as possible.


Photo: Comfort teddy bear from the "Friends and Supporters of Magdeburg University Medicine" (FFUMMD). Photographer: Melitta Schubert/UMMD

Our association "Freunde und Förderer der Universitätsmedizin Magdeburg e.V." (FFUMMD) has been supporting this project for several years and is supported by a number of donors. A big thank you to all members and donors at this point.

If you would also like to ensure that there is always a supply of these cute bears for the emergency room, radiology department and children's hospital, we would be delighted to receive your support. Janett Katies and Anja Lehmann from the FFUMMD support association will be happy to receive your inquiries.

We are also grateful for support with our other projects and are open to new suggestions that we can support. Perhaps you also have a heartfelt wish for the UMMD. Simply contact us and we will be happy to discuss it with you.

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Last Modification: 25.06.2024 - Contact Person:

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