Registration for student selection test possible
Those interested in studying human medicine in Magdeburg can register online until July 29, 2024 for the student selection test (HAM-NAT) on September 7, 2024.
Further information on the university selection procedure for human medicine
Since 2012, Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg has offered the opportunity to study medicine via a study aptitude test. The result of the science test is offset against the Abitur grade, enabling applicants to gain admission to study medicine in Magdeburg even without an A-level.
This selection test is also used at the universities of Hamburg for the human medicine, dentistry and pharmacy degree courses and in Greifswald for the pharmacy degree course, sometimes in combination with other test procedures.
The HAM-Nat-Test consists of multiple-choice questions on the medically relevant basic subjects of biology, chemistry, mathematics and physics, which are tested at grammar school level. In a second part, tasks from the subject area "logical thinking" must be solved. After completing the test, participants receive a certificate that they can use for their university application to the Foundation for University Admissions.
The allocation of study places for Human Medicine is based on a quota model. The selection test is weighted as part of the "university selection procedure" (AdH) for the Human Medicine degree course.The HAM-Nat result is also included as a selection criterion in the so-called "additional aptitude quota" (ZEQ, formerly waiting time quota). In this quota, only aptitude criteria independent of school grades are used. In Saxony-Anhalt, some of the study places are also awarded via a "rural doctor quota" and, since 2022, also via an "official doctor quota" to applicants who, after successfully completing their studies and further training, contractually commit to working as a doctor in Saxony-Anhalt for ten years.
Archive photo HAM-Nat test March 2024.
Photographer: Melitta Schubert/UMMD