
Master defense of Ahmed Yousuf Sanin

09.08.2023 -

Ahmed Yousuf Sanin completed his master's defense on the topic of. "Developing an in vitro platform for functional assessment of nucleic acid sheddome of cancer stem cells - towards personalized compendium diagnostics for imaging of cancer tissues" successfully with a grade of 1.3. Congratulations!

MEC Biobank Barbecue on June 28, 2023

09.08.2023 -

The barbecue was held in the courtyard of House 65. We invited the supporters of the Biobank team, which consists of the operating room nurses and physicians from surgery, the gastrolaboratory, EXRAD, and INKA.

11th Meeting of the "Young Surgeons in Central Germany

16.06.2023 -

From 08.06. - 10.06.2023 the 11th meeting of the "Young Surgeons in Central Germany" took place in Magdeburg. 40 posters were presented and we cordially congratulate our collaborators Ms. Anna Schaufler and Mr. Ahmed Y. Sanin for the best poster of this meeting and for the poster award 2023 of the Central German Society of Gastroenterology and the Central German Surgical Association e.V. with the poster topic "Sensory System for Tumor Detection".

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New publication: Mendelian Randomization Analyses of Chronic Immune-Mediated Diseases, Circulating Inflammatory Biomarkers, and Cytokines in Relation to Liver Cancer

30.05.2023 -

Liver cancer is a prevalent gastrointestinal carcinoma and is closely linked to chronic inflammation, including both hepatic and extrahepatic inflammations. However, the genetic association between inflammatory traits and liver cancer has not been systematically investigated. See the paper

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New publication: Effects of Dendrimer-microRNA Nanoformulations against Glioblastoma Stem Cells

20.04.2023 -

Glioblastoma is a rapidly progressing tumor quite resistant to conventional treatment. These features are currently assigned to a self-sustaining population of glioblastoma stem cells. Anti-tumor stem cell therapy calls for a new means of treatment. See the paper

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