
Expert telephone forum on June 11, 2024 on the topic: "Sleep disorders"

05.06.2024 -

On June 11, 2024, Volksstimme cordially invites you to the expert telephone forum to ask your questions on the subject of "sleep disorders". Prof. Dr. med. Jens Schreiber and Prof. Dr. med. Florian Junne will be available to answer your questions.

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Sparda-Bank Berlin supports the University Clinic for Hematology, Oncology and Cell Therapy Magdeburg

30.05.2024 -

The generous donation of 6,000 euros will enable Magdeburg University Hospital to ease the financial burden on its transplant patients in future.

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TomorrowLabs science festival on 8 June

30.05.2024 -

Immerse yourself in a fascinating combination of science, visions of the future, music and culture at the brand new "Tomorrow Labs" science festival in Magdeburg. On 8 June 2024, the festival site at the Port of Science will open its doors from 16:00 to 21:00 to present current research in a relaxed atmosphere.

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Last Modification: 03.03.2020 - Contact Person:

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