- General Medicine
- Anatomy
- Occupational Medicine
- Biochemistry and Cell Biology
- Biometry and Medical Informatics
- Experimental Internal Medicine
- History, Ethics, and the Theory of Medicine
- Human Genetics
- Inflammation and Neurodegeneration
- Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry
- Laboratory for Pediatric Screening and Metabolism
- Clinical Pharmacology
- Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research
- Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene
- Medical Psychology
- Molecularbiology and Medical Chemistry
- Molecular and Clinical Immunology
- Pharmacology and Toxicology
- Physiology
- Social Medicine and Health Economics
- Translational Inflammation Research (Work group in CDS)
- Transfusion Medicine and Immunohematology and Blood Bank
Center for Pathology and Forensic Medicine
For more information on the affiliation of the institute and departments of the clinic or faculty, pleases see our structural overview.