Structural Overview of University Medicine in Magdeburg

Note: For the structuring of central data processing systems And administrative processes, it Is essential To use the unique abbreviations listed below For all structural units. The abbreviations are based On the official German-language designations Of the structural units And the usual conventions at Otto von Guericke University. The structural units are named In accordance With the resolutions Of the boards (supervisory board, managing board Of the Clinical Center, faculty board).

Status as of 18.10.2024, may be subject to structural changes And enhancements.
Preclinical Institutes
  -- Institute of AnatomyIANA X
  - NeuroanatomyNANA X
Institute of Biochemistry and Cell BiologyIBZ X
Institute of Medical PsychologyIMP X
Institute of Molecular Biology and Medical ChemistryIMMC X
Institute of PhysiologyIPHY X
  - Developmental PhysiologyPHYEW X
  - NeurophysiologyNPHYS X
Clinical-theoretical Institutes without services in health care
Institute of General MedicineIALM X
Institute of Biometrics and Medical InformaticsIBMI X
Institute of Inflammation and NeurodegenerationIIN X
Institute of Pharmacology and ToxicologyIPT X
Institute of Social Medicine and Health EconomicsISMG X
  - Social MedicineSOM X
  - Health EconomicsGOE X
Clinical-theoretical Institutes with services in health care
Department of Occupational MedicineIAM X
Institute of Human GeneticsIHGXX
Institute of Clinical Chemistry and PathobiochemistryIKCPXX
  - Clinical Chemistry / Central LaboratoryIKCX 
  - Pathological BiochemistryPBC X
Institute of Clinical PharmacologyIKPXX
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital HygieneIMMBXX
  - InfektionsimmunologieIFIMM X
Institute of Molecular and Clinical ImmunologyIMKIXX
Translational Inflammation ResearchTEF X
Institute of Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology/Blood BankITIBXX
Geschlechtersensible Medizin und PräventionGSM X
Centre for Pathology and Forensic MedicineZPR  
Institute of PathologyIPAXX
Institute of NeuropathologyINPAXX
Forensic Medicine
(UKMD- Employee, Institute of University Hospital Halle)
Experimentelle PathologieEXPAT X
University Clinic for General, Visceral, Vascular and Transplant SurgeryKCHIXX
  - Department of Vascular SurgeryCHGX 
  - Department of Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric TraumatologyCHK/KCHKXX
  - Molecular and Experimental SurgeryMEC X
University Clinic for Trauma SurgeryKCHUXX
University Clinic for Plastic, Aesthetic and Hand SurgeryKCHPXX
  - Abteilung Mikrogravitation und Translationale Regenerative MedizinMTRM X
University Clinic for Cardio and Thoracic SurgeryKCHHXX
  - Thoracic SurgeryCHTXX
University Orthopaedic ClinicKORTXX
  - Experimental OrthopedicsEXOR X
University Eye ClinicKAUGXX
University Clinic for Urology and Paediatric UrologyKUROXX
University Clinic for Ear, Nose and Throat Medicine, Head and Neck SurgeryKHNOXX
  - Department of Experimental AudiologyEXA X
University Clinic for Oral and Maxillofacial Plastic SurgeryKMKGXX
University Women's ClinicKGYNXX
  - Experimental Gynaecology and ObstetricsEXGYN X
  - Department for Reproductive Medicine and Gynaecological EndocrinologyKREP/KREXX
Centre for Internal MedicineZIMXX
University Clinic for Cardiology and AngiologyKKARXX
Department of PneumologyKPNEXX
University Clinic for Gastroenterology, Hepatology and InfectologyKGHIXX
University Clinic for Nephrology and hypertension, diabetology and endocrinologyKNEPXX
  - Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic DisordersKENDXX
University Clinic for Haematology,Oncology and cell therapyKHAEXX
Institute for Experimental Internal MedicineIEIM X
Specialist Department for Rheumatology (ext.)RHEU X
University Paediatric ClinicKPAEXX
  - Department of Paediatric Haematology and OncologyKPHOXX
  - Department of Experimental Paediatrics and NeonatologyEXPAE X
  - Bereich Pädiatrische Endokrinologie und StoffwechselPENSWX 
University Clinic for DermatologyKHAUXX
University Clinic for NeurologyKNEUXX
Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia ResearchIKND X
University Clinic for NeurosurgeryKCHNXX
University Clinic for Stereotactic NeurosurgeryKCHSXX
University Clinic for Psychiatry and PsychotherapyKPSYXX
University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and PsychotherapyKPSMXX
Clinic for Paediatric and Adolescent Psychiatry
(Clinic of Hospital Klinikum Magdeburg gGmbH)
Centre for RadiologyZRADXX
University Clinic for Radiology and Nuclear MedicineKRNXX
  - Diagnostic RadiologyKDRXX
  - Nuclear MedicineKNUKXX
  - Experimentelle RadiologieEXRAD X
University Clinic for NeuroradiologyKNRADXX
University Clinic for Radiation TherapyKSTRXX
University Clinic for Anaesthesiology and Intensive TherapyKAITXX
Central Services / AdministrationZEZUKMDFME
Supervisory BoardARXX
Managing Board of the Clinical CenterKLIVOX 
Faculty BoardFAVO X
Dean's OfficeDEK X
  - DrittmittelverwaltungDMV X
  - Referat für Finanzen und ControllingFICO X
  - Press OfficePRST X
  - Research UnitREFO X
  -- INKA - Innovation Laboratory for Image Guided TherapyINKA X
  -- Central Animal LaboratoryZTL X
  - Clinical Study Coordinating CentreKKS X
  - Department of History, Ethics and Theory of MedicineGET X
  -- Klinisches EthikkomiteeKEK X
  -- Competence Centre e-LearningZEL X
  -- Medical TerminologyTERM X
  - Dean of Studies OfficeSDEK X
  -- International OfficeAAA X
  -- Faculty Student CouncilFARA X
  -- SkillsLab/Praktika Magdeburger Ausbildungszentrum für Medizinische BasisfertigkeitenMAMBA X
Medical DirectorateAEDX 
  - quality commissioner HemotherapyQBHTX 
  - Staff Medical ServicePEDX 
  - Central Emergency Admissions Department Block 60ZNAX 
  -- Admissions Ward Block 60H60TK/AUFNX 
  - Central PharmacyZAPX 
  -- Department stationary careZAPSVX 
  -- Department general drug manufacturingZAPAAX 
  -- Departmente sterile and aseptic drug manufacturingZAPSAX 
  -- Department laboratory diagnostika / pharmacy controlZAPLDX 
  - Surgery ManagementOPMX 
  - Hospital Hygiene and Antibiotic StewardshipKHYX 
  - Specialist Radiation ProtectionS13X 
  - Specialist Central Quality ManagementS14X 
  -- Quality ManagementQMX 
  - rocessing unit for medical productsAEMPX 
Care DirectorshipPFDX 
  -- practice instructorPFDAZGX 
  -- jumper poolPFDPOOLX 
  -- ITS-PoolPFDIX 
  -- OP-PoolPFDOPX 
  -- Pflege-Pool konservativPFDKX 
  -- op functional servicePFDOPFX 
  - Sozial ServiceSODX 
  - Physio- und ErgotherapiePHERX 
  -- Physiotherapy / ErgotherapyPHT/H60PHX 
  -- ErgotherapyERTX 
  - Patient Assistance ServicePBDX 
  - Training Centre for Health Care ProfessionsAZGX 
Commercial DirectorshipKDX 
Business Unit Finance and Cost ControlG1X 
  - Department of Financial Accounting and TaxationG1.1/G11X 
  -- Subject field Business AccountingG1.1.1/G11X 
  -- Subject field Accounts ReceivableG1.1.2/G11X 
  -- Subject Field Accounts PayableG1.1.3/G11X 
  - Department of Cost Control and Business AdministrationG1.2/G12X 
  - Department of Patient Administrative Management and InvoicingG1.3/G13X 
  -- Subject Field Stationary Patient AdmissionG1.3.1/G13X 
  -- Subject Field Outpatient Cost Assurance and AccountingG1.3.2/G13X 
  -- Subject Field Stationary Cost Assurance and AccountingG1.3.3/G13X 
Business Unit Human ResourcesG2X 
  - Department of Human Resource Issues for Employees, Manual Workers, Officials, Third-party funded staff, University Statistics and Partial RetirementG2.1/G21X 
  - Department of Further Training and Education and General Human Resource IssuesG2.3/G23X 
  -- G2 AuszubildendeAZUBIX 
  -- G2 Auszubildende Duales SystemAZUBIDSX 
  -- Corporate Health ManagementG2GX 
  - Human Resource Issues Section - Faculty of MedicineK24X 
  - SekretariatspoolSekpoolX 
Business Unit Central PurchasingG3X 
  - Stabsstelle Einkaufsdienstleistungen / Strategischer Verbrauch / Key AccountG3.S1/G3X 
  - Stabsstelle Stammdatenpflege / Verbrauchssteuerung MAWI / DatenauswertungG3.S2/G3X 
  - Specialist Project ManagementG3.S3/G3X 
  - Purchasing DepartmentG3.1/G31X 
  - Operative PurchasingG3.2/G32X 
  - Warehouse ManagementG3.3/G33X 
  - building purchaseG3.4/G34X 
Business Unit Engineering and BuildingsG4X 
  - HBFG (University Construction Act), Job Management, General Repairs SectionG4.SBC/G4X 
  - Buildings DepartmentG4.1/G41X 
  -- Construction MaintenanceG4.1.3X 
  - Operating Systems Technology DepartmentG4.2/G42X 
  -- Subject Field Electrical EngineeringG4.2.1/G42X 
  -- Subject Field Telecommunication and control technologyG4.2.2/G42X 
  -- Subject Field Thermal Energy and Sanitary FacilitiesG4.2.3/G42X 
  -- Subject Field Mechanical EngineeringG4.2.4/G42X 
  - Company space management and facility organizationG4.3/G43X 
Business Unit Logistics and Central ServicesG5X 
  - General AdministrationG5.1/G51X 
  -- VerwaltungsangelegenheitenG5.1.1/G51X 
  -- nursery school UMMDG5.1.2/G51X 
  -- PoststelleG5.1.3/G51X 
  -- EntsorgungG5.1.4/G51X 
  -- GrünanlagenG5.1.5/G51X 
  -- TelefonzentraleG5.1.6/G53X 
  -- Zentralarchiv ambulant / stationärG5.1.7/G53X 
  -- Wäschereileistungen, SchädlingsbekämpfungG5.1.8/G53X 
  -- Reinigungsleistungen, VerpflegungsleistungenG5.1.9/G53X 
  - Transport LogisticsTransport LogisticsG5.2/G52X 
  -- Subject Field TransportG5.2.1/G52X 
  -- Home Assistance ServicesG5.2.2/G52X 
Business Unit IT and Medical TechnologyG6/ITMTX 
  - Medical Technology Service DepartmentG6.1/G61X 
  -- Subject field Clinic EngineerG6.1.1/G61X 
  -- Subject Field Medical Electronical EngineeringG6.1.2/G61X 
  -- Subject Field Medical Mechanical EngineeringG6.1.3/G61X 
  -- Subject Field Radiology TechniquesG6.1.4/G61X 
  - Hardware and Service-Management DepartmentG6.2/G62X 
  - Networks and Communication DepartmentG6.3/G63X 
  - System Management and Imaging-System DepartmentG6.4/G64X 
  - Clinical and Adminstrativ Application DepartmentG6.5/G65X 
  - Abteilung ProjekteG6.7/G67X 
  -- KrankenhauszukunftsgesetzKHZGX 
Geschäftsbereich Unternehmenscontrolling und DigitalisierungG7X 
  - Department Business ControllingG7.1/G71X 
  - Department Specialist Human Resource Controlling & Time ManagementG7.2/G72X 
  - Department Medical ControllingG7.3/G73X 
  - Rechnungsprüfungen/MD-ManagementG7.4/G74X 
  - Department RiskmanagementG7.5/G75X 
  - DigitalisierungG7.6/G76X 
  - Zentraler SchreibdienstG7.7X 
Specialist Legal Department, data privacy, complianceS8X 
Specialist Occupational Safety DepartmentS9X 
Stabsstelle Medizinische VersorgungszentrenSMVZX 
Management Board Division Marketing, Communication and MediaV1/MKMX 
Media ServiceV1.4X 
Management Board Division Information SecurityV2/ISBX 
Vorstandsbereich 3 - Zentrales Projektmanagement und UnternehmensentwicklungV3X 
Vorstandsbereich 4 – Arbeits- und TarifrechtV4X 
Vorstandsbereich 5 - MedizinmanagementV5X 
  - Assignment managementBELMX 
  - PatientenmanagementV5.1X 
  - Digitalisierung klinischer ProzesseV5.2X 
Central Medical LibraryMZB X
University Clinical Center Staff CouncilPRMEDX 
Schwerbehindertenvertretung des Universitätsklinikums A.ö.R.SBVMEDX 
Central Biobank MagdeburgZBM X
Centre for Cellular Imaging and Innovative Disease ModelsZEBIK X
DatenintegrationszentrumDIZ X
Oncology CenterONKZX 
  - Klinisches Tumorregister UMMDKTRX 
External Institutions on the UKMD/FME CampusEXTEUKMDFME
Ärztekammer Sachsen-AnhaltAEKSA  
Aktion Knochenmarkspende Sachsen-Anhalt e.V.AKSA  
Workers' Samaritan FederationASB  
KVSA Bereitschaftsdienst PraxisKVBD  
BRU Security GmbH Dienstleister WachschutzBRU  
Surveillance & Security Company Saxony-AnhaltBSU  
German Centre for Neurodegenerative Diseases of the Helmholtz Association (Dementia Centre)DZNE  
Elis Textilmanagement GmbH (Berendsen)BERENDSE  
Otto von Guericke University Ethics Committee (FME/UKMD)ETHIK  
Saxony-Anhalt Malformation MonitoringMONZ  
Förderverein für das Blutspendewesen in Magdeburg e.V.FBMD  
Association of Friends and Sponsors of University Medicine in Magdeburg e.V.FFUMMD  
Institute of Biology (UniMD)IBIO  
Institute of Experimental Physics (UniMD)IEP  
  - Department of Biomedical Magnetic ResonanceBMMR  
Magdeburg Institute of Medical TechnologyIMTM  
Institute of Neurosimulation and Imaging TechnologiesINB  
Institute of Quality Assurance in Surgical MedicineIQOM  
International Graduate School - Analysis, Imaging, and Modelling of Neuronal and Inflammatory Processes (ABINEP)ABINEP  
Klinikum MagdeburgKMD  
  - Klinikum Magdeburg Zentrale SterilgutversorungsabteilungKMDZSVA  
Dialysis and Kidney Transplantation BoardKFH  
Clinical Center Pastoral CareSEELS  
Clinical Competence Center of Allergology Saxony-AnhaltKASA  
Ambulance Service (general)KTD  
Externe Dozenten/LehrbeauftragteLEHRE  
Innovation in image-guided interventions and surgeryLIAM  
Leibniz Institute for NeurobiologyLIN  
Life Systems Medizintechnik-Service GmbHLIFE  
Magdeburg Support Group for Children with CancerMFKK  
Klinisches Krebsregister Sachsen-Anhalt gGmbHKKR  
Magdeburg Anti-Cancer LeagueKLIGA  
Magdeburger Uniklinik Service GmbHMUKS  
Order of Malta VolunteersMHD  
UKMD Medical Care CentreMVZ  
MVZ Im AltstadtquartierMVZAQ  
Central German Network of Excellence for Rare DiseasesMKSE  
MLR System GmbH (AWT H60/H10)MLR  
President's Office of Otto von Guericke UniversityROVGU  
Otto von Guericke University Staff Council (incl. FME)PROVGU  
Pfeiffersche Stiftungen MagdeburgPFS  
Representative for severely disabled people OVGUSBVOVGU  
R+S Dienstleistungen GmbHRSDIENST/RSD  
Pneumological Respiratory Therapy CentrePATZ  
Sports Medicine / Olympic Support Centre MagdeburgSMOS  
Magdeburg/Saxony-Anhalt Tumour CentreTZSA  
Association for Seriously Ill Children and their FamiliesVSKE  
Universitätsklinikum HalleUKH  
UMR Cleaning Service GmbHUMR  
Centre for Neuroscientific Innovation and TechnologyZENIT  

Last Modification: 18.10.2024 - Contact Person:

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