5th Heart Week Saxony-Anhalt: Events of Magdeburg University Hospital

23.05.2024 -  

University Medicine Magdeburg is supporting the 5th Heart Week Saxony-Anhalt from June 3 to 8, 2024, including by participating in the central event at the “Blauer Bock” in Magdeburg.

Plakat_Herzwoche_Sachen-AnhaltThe main aim of this year's state-wide Heart Week is to encourage citizens to get more exercise and practice a heart-healthy diet. This week of action, which was launched by the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Equality of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, has the motto “#herzenssache - Mach' Deinem Herzen Beine!”. In cooperation with the German Heart Foundation, numerous events are being organized for the general public. In view of the high rates of heart disease in Saxony-Anhalt, the Ministry of Labor, Social Affairs, Health and Equality and partners from the medical profession, health insurance companies, pharmacies and the German Heart Foundation are striving to reduce the number of cardiovascular diseases and deaths in Saxony-Anhalt. Magdeburg University Hospital cordially invites you to take part in its activities as part of Saxony-Anhalt Heart Week. Participation is free of charge.

Program of the University Medicine Magdeburg

The Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry will be at the “Blauer Bock” with an information stand with measurement campaigns and advice.

June 8, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

About the event:

Cholesterol elevation? What can I do about it? Does it run in my family? Cardiovascular diseases are still the most common cause of death in Germany as a result of vascular calcification. The risk factors for these diseases are lipometabolic disorders, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and smoking.


  • Cholesterol measurements
  • Advice on individual cardiovascular risk profiles
  • Information for interested parties

The University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology Magdeburg will have an information stand with measurement campaigns and advice at the “Blauer Bock”.

June 8, 2024 from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.

About the event:

Assessment of individual risk for the occurrence of cardiovascular disease, prevention of heart disease and advice on a heart-healthy lifestyle.


  • Advice on cardiovascular risk factors
  • Information on sports medicine aspects and the services offered by the Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology:
    • for healthy people
    • for people with Covid-19 restrictions (Long Covid)
  • Measurement of vascular stiffness using arteriographs and determination of vascular age

Further training in the Landtag for MPs and employees

June 5, 2024 from 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.

Lectures on the topics:

  • “Danger of a heart attack!” - Prof. Dr. med. Rüdiger Braun-Dullaeus, Director of the University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology Magdeburg
  • “Prevention: The earlier the better” - Dr. med. Patrick Müller, Assistant Physician at the University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology Magdeburg
  • “Resuscitation: How do I proceed?” - Dr. med. Dörte Ahrens, specialist in internal medicine; sports medicine; nutritional medicine (DAEM/DGEM) at the University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology Magdeburg

The team at the University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology will provide a resuscitation mannequin to practice resuscitation measures under the guidance of doctors.

Last Modification: 24.05.2024 - Contact Person:

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