Division Experimental Immunodynamics

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Whether an infected organism can successfully fight a pathogen depends primarily on the interactions of a large variety of cells of the immune system, both with each other and with the pathogen. The nature and intensity of these dynamic interactions is strictly correlated with functional parameters such as activation or inhibition of individual immune cell functions, or their deployment of defense functions.

Our division "Experimental Immunodynamics" is dedicated to the study of these interactions in the control of infections in different disease models, in particular Leishmania major and Staphylococcus aureus infection. The aim is to elucidate the molecular and cellular processes underlying the interactions between immune cells and the pathogen and to investigate their effect on the course of the immune response. We are focusing on the following questions:

Andreas Müller received his PhD from ETH Zurich in 2009 on the host-pathogen interaction of Salmonella during intestinal infection. He did postdoctoral fellowships at the Institut Pasteur in Paris on the signaling range of activated T cells in tissues, and at the University of Lausanne on the influence of granulocytes in the immune response against Leishmania. In December 2013, Andreas Müller was appointed head of the research group "Intravital Microscopy of Infection and Immunity" jointly established by the OVGU Magdeburg and the Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI) in Braunschweig. In 2017, he received funding for his work through one of the prestigious ERC Starting Grants of the European Union. Since 2021, Prof. Müller is head of the division "Experimental Immunodynamics" at the Institute for Molecular and Clinical Immunology of the Medical Faculty of the OVGU Magdeburg.

Prof. Dr. sc. Andreas J. Müller

Last Modification: 10.04.2024 - Contact Person:

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