Advanced Training and Research Periods for International Graduates

Information on research and advanced training at the University Hospital in Magdeburg

Depending on the department, it is possible to spend research periods at our university hospital.
A university degree or certificates are not awarded for this.
Unfortunately, we can usually not offer you a financial compensation for expenses or a paid position.

Depending on the department, it is also possible in our university hospital to complete observerships of up to one month. Observership ("Hospitation") means that you are only a passive observer and are not allowed to deal directly with patients. Unfortunately, no financial compensation is offered and you must organize your own accommodation.

If you are interested in an observership in our clinics, please contact the individual departments directly.
An overview can be found here.

If you wish to complete practical training course with us during which you actively deal with patients, the same procedure applies to you as for specialist training.

This means that you must apply for a permit to temporarily practice medicine ("Erlaubnis zur vorübergehenden Ausübung des ärztlichen Berufes"). 

If you get a paid position in one of our clinics, you will need to apply for a work permit.
Depending on the length of your stay, you may also need to apply for a residence permit.
Please check our website Facharztausbildung for further information.


Applying to the clinic

If you would like to apply for advanced training in one of our clinics, please contact the clinic management of the corresponding department directly.

Details about our clinics und institutes can be found here: 

Additionally, our faculty's research profile are available following this link (German only!): 

Your application should include the following documents:

  1. Your contact detais (name, address, e-mail address)
  2. Letter of motivation
    - Why do you choose this field of study?
    - What kind of experience do you have in the respective field? etc. 
  3. Curriculum vitae with all important data about your professional education
  4. Letter of recommendation (German or English)
  5. Proof of German or English language skills
  6. Copy of your passport 

If you get a positive answer, you will find helpful links for visa issues, accommodation or scholarships on the following websites.
Please remember to take care of your entry formalities and accommodation in good time before your arrival.

Last Modification: 26.01.2024 - Contact Person:

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