Research Colleges and Graduate Schools

Research colleges and graduate schools/colleges offer, among other things, structured training paths for young scientists. They provide structured qualification opportunities for outstanding doctoral candidates in a diverse research environment and thematically focused research programs.

 Furthermore, the Else Kröner Research College offers an interdisciplinary research and training program for young physicians, which is funded by the Else Kröner-Fresenius Foundation.

At Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg there are the following graduate/research colleges and graduate schools with participation of UMMD.

  • Else Kröner Research College Magdeburg "The importance of the inflammatory microenvironment for cancer development", in which young physicians are trained as Clinician Scientists,
  • DFG Research Training Group 2408 (GRK 2408) "Maladaptive processes at physiological interfaces in chronic diseases",
  • DFG Research Training Group 2413 (SynAGE) "The aging synapse - molecular, cellular and behavioral mechanisms of cognitive performance decline",
  • DFG Integrated Research Training Group (IRTG) of the SFB 1436,
  • Research Training Group 854 (MGK 854) within the SFB 854,
  • CBBS Graduate Program,
  • Graduate School ABINEP "Analysis, Imaging, and Modelling of Neuronal and Inflammatory Processes",
  • Graduate School MEMoRIAL "The International Graduate School for Medical Engineering and Engineering Materials".

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