
Specialist nursing training courses successfully completed

26.06.2024 -

On May 17, 2024 and June 21, 2024, the specialist nursing training team at AZG 3 presented the successful participants with their certificates.

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Successful implantation of a complete heart valve via the groin at Magdeburg University Hospital

25.06.2024 -

At the University Clinic for Cardiology and Angiology Magdeburg (including Internal Intensive Care Medicine), the first complete heart valve implantation via the groin has been successfully performed.


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New delivery of cute comfort teddies for the emergency room

25.06.2024 -

The Central Emergency Department is once again receiving a new delivery of comforter teddies for our youngest patients to ease their fears of the examination and make their stay as pleasant as possible.

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Last Modification: 03.03.2020 - Contact Person:

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