Endometriosis events in Magdeburg: information and exchange for patients and doctors
In October 2024, two events on the topic of endometriosis are scheduled at the University Clinic for Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine in Magdeburg.
Volksstimme telephone forum
On October 8, 2024, the Volksstimme cordially invites you to a telephone forum where you can ask your questions on the topic of “Epilepsy, often unrecognized and undertreated - known and new treatment options”. Privatdozent Dr. med. Friedhelm C. Schmitt and his colleague Senior Physician Olga Kukhlenko from the University Clinic for Neurology Magdeburg will be available to answer your questions.
Innovative medical technology
In a pioneering operation, a patient diagnosed with a tumor at the tip of the petrous bone was successfully tumor at the tip of the petrous bone was successfully treated. Thanks to the use of augmented reality (AR), the surgeons at the surgeons at the Department of Neurosurgery were able to remove the tumor with remove the tumor with the utmost precision.
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