Crowning ceremony of the new "Clinical Lecture Hall
After a good 11 months of construction, the shell of a modern new lecture hall building is in place on the campus of Magdeburg University Medical Center. This construction phase was celebrated with a ceremony to mark the crowning of the building.
More space for teaching and an improvement in learning conditions in medical studies at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg - with the completion of the shell of the new "Clinical Lecture Hall" on the campus of Magdeburg University Medical Center, this goal has now been brought a significant step closer. The Dean of the Medical Faculty of Magdeburg, Prof. Dr. Daniela Dieterich, together with the Minister of Science, Prof. Dr. Armin Willingmann, and Prof. Dr. Helmut Weiß, Vice-Rector for Planning and Budget of the Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, honored this important stage of construction at a crowing ceremony today. The new building will create urgently needed lecture hall capacity for the total of around 1,500 human medicine students in Magdeburg. It is expected that the lecture hall building will be available for teaching events from spring 2023.
Dean Prof. Dr. Daniela C. Dieterich stated: "I am very grateful that the state of Saxony-Anhalt has invested in the further development of our campus and thus made this building project possible. The new clinical lecture hall is taking more and more shape and we are looking forward to putting it into operation very soon. With this central and modernly equipped new building, we are creating urgently needed capacity that will enable our students in particular to concentrate even better on their demanding medical studies in the future thanks to ideal learning conditions. Because with good teaching conditions we create the prerequisite for later research successes within our faculty as well as in cooperation with the other faculties and non-university research institutions on site. At the same time, the lecture hall with its generously planned foyer will make more academic life possible on our campus in the future, even beyond studies - for example, in the context of continuing medical education or academic-cultural formats in the context of science communication. This will further strengthen the attractiveness of the location. This is a great benefit for the Magdeburg region.
After 11 months of construction, the horseshoe shape of the new lecture hall is already clearly visible. The new building between Building 28 (Institute of Pathology) and Building 91 (Institute of Biology) will house a lecture hall with modern digital technology with 300 seats for larger study groups and a spacious foyer for scientific events, conferences and exhibitions. A total of 1035 square meters of usable space will be created. In the future, the new clinical lecture hall will enable students and teachers to conduct modern patient-oriented as well as multidimensional digital teaching with bed access for the presentation of patients and high-resolution streaming into the clinics.
Prof. Dr. Helmut Weiß said: "In the 21st century, we have to rethink teaching concepts and establish innovative formats and future-proof offerings; face-to-face teaching is indispensable, especially in medicine, but so is complementing it with digital options, because digitally supported teaching will shape the future of university education. I am pleased that today we can celebrate the crowning of the new, large lecture hall on the medical campus of the University of Magdeburg; it will contribute to an attractive and interdisciplinary education of our students to become highly qualified physicians."
The funds approved for the construction amount to approximately 9.3 million euros and were provided by the Ministry of Science and the Ministry of Finance of the state of Saxony-Anhalt as well as by the federal government as part of the Higher Education Pact. Science Minister Prof. Armin Willingmann emphasized: "Especially in times of crisis, it is important to invest more and set the course for successful development. For this reason, the Ministry of Science has also strongly supported the new lecture hall building. The Corona pandemic has shown us how important it is to have first-class trained physicians. Both in terms of research into diseases and new treatment options, and in terms of medical care for the population. In this respect, I am pleased that we are celebrating the crowning of the new lecture hall building today and that we will be able to put the hall into operation at the beginning of next year. Despite the current challenges in connection with the energy crisis, the Ministry of Science will continue to work to strengthen research and teaching at the university hospitals in Magdeburg and Halle so that university medicine in Saxony-Anhalt will continue to be perceived throughout Germany as an excellent location for research and training."
In the coming weeks, the shell of the building will be closed with a roof structure and facade glazing, and interior work will begin. The pbr planning office Rohling AG Architekten provided the building design based on the model of the university building 44 (lecture hall 6) in Zschokkestraße. Project management and implementation is being carried out by Magdeburg University Hospital itself. Despite a shortage of building materials due to the Corona pandemic and the Ukraine war, completion is scheduled for spring 2023.
Photo/Video: Aerial view of shell of clinical lecture hall on the campus of Magdeburg University Medical Center. Photographer: David Dettbarn/UMMD
Photo: The Dean of the Medical Faculty Magdeburg opens the crowning ceremony for the new building "Clinical Lecture Hall" on the campus of the University Medical Center Magdeburg. Photographer: Sarah Kossmann/UMMD