Heart Week Sachsen-Anhalt

13.06.2023 -  

Within the scope of the Herzwoche Sachsen-Anhalt Under the motto "Matter of the heart - Make your heart grow fonder" the Verein Herzblut für Sachsen-Anhalt in coopreration with the Paracelsus Harzklinik Bad Suderode am 20.06.2023 from 16.00 - 18.00 o'clock a telephone action.

From the University Medical Center Magdeburg, Dr. med. Fridtjof Scholz, Senior Physician in the Universitätsklinik für Herz- und Thoraxchirurgie Magdeburg, about the topic of heart surgery/heart operations.

Additional topics and contact persons:

  • Heart failure/weakness and coronary heart disease: Dr. Karin Rybak, Dessau, and Dr. Tom Giesler, Burg
  • Cardiac arrhythmias: Dr. Petra Schirdewahn
  • Blood thinning/anticoagulants: Prof. Daniel Sedding, Halle-Saale, Germany
  • Lipid metabolism disorders: Prof. Dr. Daniel Sedding and apl. Prof. Dr. Axel Schlitt, Quedlinburg
  • Physical activity, rehabilitation: apl. Prof. Dr. Axel Schlitt, Quedlinburg

The telephone numbers: 039485 99-901 and 039485 99-903 will be available for you on 20 June 2023 from 16:00 - 18:00. From there, you will be forwarded by telephone to our experts.Herzwoche

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Last Modification: 13.06.2023 - Contact Person:

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