New endowed professorship for shoulder surgery at Magdeburg University Hospital

01.03.2024 -  

Expert in diseases of the shoulder joint strengthens innovative research and patient care in the field of musculoskeletal diseases at the University of Magdeburg

Orthopaedic surgeon Prof. Dr Alexander Berth took up the new W2 endowed professorship for shoulder surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg on 1 March 2024. The aim of the new professorship is to improve the quality of care in the field of shoulder arthroplasty and arthroscopic shoulder surgery. To this end, Professor Berth is researching new therapeutic procedures and how existing therapies can be optimised to significantly improve patients' quality of life.

Prof. Dr. med. Alexander Berth

Photo: Prof Dr Alexander Berth holds the new W2 endowed professorship for shoulder surgery at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Magdeburg. Photographer: Melitta Schubert/University Medicine Magdeburg

"In recent decades, considerable progress has been made in the treatment of shoulder joint diseases such as osteoarthritis.Nevertheless, there is still potential for optimisation, especially in younger patients," explains Professor Berth. For example, prosthesis loosening or infections could occur in the long term. "My research is therefore focussed on the further development of shoulder prosthesis systems," says the shoulder specialist. Professor Berth has extensive experience in orthopaedics and trauma surgery as well as rheumatology and sports medicine. He is a member of several orthopaedic specialist societies and is involved in various research networks both nationally and internationally.

The 56-year-old also specialises in arthroscopic reconstruction procedures and conducts research into new minimally invasive surgical techniques and treatment options in this field. "Age-related wear and tear or chronic overloading can lead to painful tendon tears in the shoulder. We can reconstruct and replace destroyed tissue in the event of cartilage damage or tendon tears using state-of-the-art tissue reconstruction and cultivation techniques," says Berth.

Prof. Dr Daniela Dieterich, Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, emphasises: "Professor Berth has already been able to provide important impetus for the development of individualised procedures in the field of shoulder arthroplasty through his previous scientific and clinical work.With this professorship, we can further expand the strength of Magdeburg University Medicine in the field of research and treatment of musculoskeletal diseases."

The use of new technologies for this specific specialism holds particular potential for the future and is another aim of the professorship."While robot-assisted operations and the use of mixed or augmented reality technology are already established in hip and knee arthroplasty, we are still at the beginning in the area of the shoulder," says the expert. Research projects that deal with three-dimensional planning, the use of patient-specific instruments (PSI) and the use of patient-specific glenoid implants in shoulder arthroplasty are therefore of enormous clinical importance.The "Immunology, Infectiology and Inflammation - GC-I³" health campus at the University of Magdeburg and the STIMULATE research network on site therefore offer Professor Berth an ideal platform to investigate aspects of the development and clinical evaluation of such innovative technologies in the context of precision medicine.

Saxony-Anhalt's Science Minister Prof. Dr Armin Willingmann explained: "The establishment of an endowed professorship is a special recognition of the great potential in this field of research and at the same time a visible sign that further scientific potential is seen here.This gives universities the scope to set new priorities in teaching and research, to sharpen their competitive profile and, last but not least, to establish partnerships with industry. I am therefore delighted that the Faculty of Medicine was able to acquire the new endowed professorship for shoulder surgery with the significant involvement of Dean of Studies Prof Christoph Lohmann.This demonstrates the strong national reputation of Magdeburg University Medicine and will also improve patient care through innovative research into new treatment methods."

About the person

Prof Dr Alexander Berth was born in Magdeburg. He studied at the University of Magdeburg and completed his degree in human medicine in 1995. This was followed by a doctorate in orthopaedics in 1996. Prof Berth is a specialist in orthopaedics and trauma surgery and has additional qualifications in special orthopaedic surgery, orthopaedic rheumatology, chirotherapy and sports medicine. He is a member of several orthopaedic specialist associations, including the German Association for Shoulder and Elbow Surgery (DVSE). He habilitated in his specialism in 2010 and has been a lecturer at the Orthopaedic University Hospital since 2011. In 2021, he was appointed adjunct professor at the University of Magdeburg. Berth has already received several awards for his research.

Endowed professorships are funded by third-party donors and help to promote innovative fields of research in a specific specialisation. The endowed professorship for shoulder surgery is funded by the company ENOVIS and Waldemar Link GmbH & Co. KG Hamburg.


In order to obtain a professorship at a university in Saxony-Anhalt, an appointment procedure must be carried out in accordance with Section 36 of the Higher Education Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (HSG LSA). Suitable candidates undergo an extensive procedure. An appointment committee made up of several experts assesses the candidate's performance in research, teaching and patient care.


Last Modification: 05.03.2024 - Contact Person:

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