Participate for better mental health in old age

06.12.2023 -  

Neuroscientists at the University Medical Center Magdeburg are looking for participants aged 60 and over for a study on promoting mental health in old age.

The Institute of Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research (IKND) at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is conducting research into healthy ageing together with the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE). A study is to investigate the effectiveness of a drug to improve mental performance in old age. The drug, which has already been approved for other diseases, could also make a contribution to healthy ageing and against cognitive decline. The study is looking for motivated senior citizens aged 60 and over who are willing to undergo memory tests, MRI and blood tests. Participants will be paid an expense allowance.

Participation requirements:

Age: 60 years and older, cognitively healthy or with an early diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease
Normal or corrected vision (glasses or contact lenses)
No restrictions on MRI suitability due to pacemakers, metallic implants, foreign bodies, tattoos or neurostimulators

Effort and procedure:

The test is spread over a total of four days. The procedure includes an initial telephone interview, filling out questionnaires, taking a blood sample, administering a safe medication and carrying out tasks in the MRI. An expense allowance of around 200 euros is paid.

Contact for interested persons

Marina Leiman, Research Associate, DZNE/Institute for Cognitive Neurology and Dementia Research at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Phone: +49-391/67-25059,  

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Last Modification: 06.12.2023 - Contact Person:

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