Psychosocial support in intensive care medicine: participants wanted for anonymous survey!

06.05.2024 -  

The University Medical Centre Magdeburg is investigating the psychosocial support of staff, patients and relatives in intensive care units.

The University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy Magdeburg is looking for participants in the pilot study "IPS Pilot - Integrated Psychosocial Care in Intensive Care Medicine" for a survey on stress and needs in intensive care medicine.The aim of the study is to strengthen support for staff in intensive care units and to sustainably optimise psychosocial care for patients and their relatives.

In intensive care units, the nurses and doctors working there as well as the patients and their relatives are exposed to considerable psychological stress.Up to 75 per cent of intensive care nurses are regularly affected by psychosomatic complaints and around 30 per cent of them consider changing careers. Added to this is the existing shortage of doctors and nurses, particularly in the field of intensive care medicine.

Affected professionals, relatives and patients as well as people who have no previous experience of intensive care units can take part.The survey is anonymous, takes about 15-20 minutes to complete and can be accessed here.


Prof. Dr Florian Junne, Director of the University Clinic for Psychosomatic Medicine and Psychotherapy at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Tel.: 0391/67-14200,

Intensivpflege an der Unimedizin Magdeburg_Sarah Kossmann_UMMD

Photo: Intensive care at the University Medical Centre Magdeburg. Photographer: Sarah Kossmann/UMMD

Last Modification: 13.05.2024 - Contact Person:

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