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TomorrowLabs science festival on 8 June

30.05.2024 -  

Immerse yourself in a fascinating combination of science, visions of the future, music and culture at the brand new "Tomorrow Labs" science festival in Magdeburg.On 8 June 2024, the festival site at the Port of Science will open its doors from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. to present current research in a relaxed atmosphere. Magdeburg University Medicine will be there to provide exciting insights into the world of medicine in the Tomorrow:Health lab. More information about the festival here.

Visitors to the festival can not only experience good music, but also gain exciting insights from the world of medicine.The podcast "Hörsaal Live!" by Deutschlandfunk Nova will introduce gender-specific medicine and the differences in symptoms and treatment of diseases in women and men with Prof Dr Ute Seeland from 4.30 pm.Afterwards, as part of the "#Listen to your heart!" campaign, you can take part in an informative stethoscope check for the early detection of heart valve diseases.In live demonstrations, technology enthusiasts will experience the latest medical technology in orthopaedics and learn how wearables, telemedicine and AI are revolutionising the treatment of high blood pressure. Visitors can also expect insights into the latest developments in ophthalmology and the opportunity to test their eyesight on site.

The highlights of Magdeburg University Medicine

Prof. Dr. med. Ute Seeland TL

Lecture & podcast: Gender medicine - when unequal treatment is good for a change

Find out more about the differences in symptoms and treatment of diseases in women and men and why it is important to know about them in the podcast "Hörsaal Live!" by Deutschlandfunk Nova. The discussion partner is Prof. Dr Ute Seeland, Head of the Department of Gender-Sensitive Medicine and Prevention at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg. Participation is free of charge. In addition to exciting information, there will be a quiz and maybe even a surprise! Free admission! More information at Hörsaal Live-Podcast: Gender medicine - When unequal treatment is good - Dlf Nova (deutschlandfunknova.de)

When: 16:30-17:30

Where: Ministry for Infrastructure and Digital Saxony-Anhalt, Joseph-von-Fraunhofer-Straße 2, 39106 Magdeburg

Moderation: Katja Weber

Guest: Prof. Dr med. Ute Seeland, Head of the Department of Gender-Sensitive Medicine and Prevention Magdeburg

Stethoskop Herz

#Listen to your heart! - Action day for the early detection of heart valve diseases

Under the motto "Stethoscope check: Listen to your heart!", a day of action for the early detection of heart valve diseases was initiated together with the German Society for Gender-Specific Medicine (DGesGM) and the Heart Valve Initiative. The aim is to emphasise the importance of early detection and to improve heart health. Under the direction of Magdeburg Professor of Gender-Sensitive Medicine Dr Ute Seeland and Jens Näumann from the Initiative Herzklappe e.V., presentations will be held every hour. The Young Forum of the DGesGM will be active throughout Germany, listening to hearts and sharing the activities via Instagram. A dedicated account is available for the day of action to increase reach and generate awareness. People who have been selected will receive flyers with QR codes for free information events. Doctors in private practice from Magdeburg are involved as partners.

When: Continuous, lectures always on the hour:

Where: Tomorrow Health


  •     Prof. Dr Ute Seeland, Head of the Department of Gender-Sensitive Medicine and Prevention Magdeburg
  •     Jens Näumann, Initiative Herzklappe e.V.
  •     Young Forum of the German Society for Gender-Specific Medicine e.V. (DGesGM)


Rosa Knee

Robotics and augmented reality in orthopaedics

Experience modern medical technology live: Demonstrations on artificial bones will show how the ROSA robot works when implanting knee prostheses. The functionality of augmented reality for knee endoprostheses will also be presented. A fascinating insight into the future of orthopaedics!

When: all day

Where: Stimulate research campus, 1st floor, Dr Heinrich Kolem conference room

Who: Prof Dr Christoph Lohmann, Director of the University Clinic for Orthopaedics Magdeburg


High blood pressure: wearables, telemedicine & AI

Technological progress offers new possibilities for dealing with high blood pressure (hypertension). Wearables, telemedicine and artificial intelligence are improving the early detection and optimising the treatment of this widespread disease. The team from the University Clinic for Cardiology Magdeburg will provide exciting insights into this future field.

When: all day

Where: Tomorrow Health

Who: Dr Patrick Müller, University Clinic for Cardiology

Vorschaubild Augenuntersuchung _ InsideCreativeHouse - stock.adobe

Seeing into the future

The focus is on vision and future developments in the treatment of eye diseases. Visitors can find out what the future of remote diagnosis looks like and experience how the world is perceived from the perspective of patients with visual impairments. Visitors can also check their own eyesight using simple tests.

When: all day

Where: Tomorrow Health

Who: Prof Dr Michael Hoffmann, University Eye Clinic Magdeburg

Last Modification: 11.06.2024 - Contact Person:

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