Urgent call for blood donation on January 7, 2023

05.01.2023 -  

The holidays and the waves of infections (corona, colds, flu) of the past weeks have dampened the willingness to donate blood to such an extent that the University Hospital is struggling with a severe shortage of blood reserves. Remember: an accident can strike anyone and, within seconds, turn them into a patient in need of blood donations. Help the patient:s at University Medical Center! In addition to the great feeling of saving lives, a medical examination before each donation as well as an expense allowance await you.

You can find more info on the Homepage der Uni-Blutbank.

Please take the opportunity to donate blood on Saturday, 07 January 2023, in the time from 09-14 hrs.

Ort: Leipziger Str. 44, Haus 29

We thank you very much for your willingness to help!

Your donation team from the Uni Blood Bank

Last Modification: 09.01.2023 - Contact Person:

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