Faculty Board
Members of the Faculty Board
Pursuant to Section 3 (1) HMG LSA in the current term of office (01.10.2020 - 30.06.2024):
The faculty board is gem. § 1 Abs. 3 University Medical Act of the State of Saxony-Anhalt (HMG LSA) an organ of the faculty and heads the faculty. The faculty board is gem. § 3 (4) HMG LSA is responsible for all faculty matters, unless otherwise provided in this Act:
- Supervision of the research and teaching facilities associated with the faculty
- Decision on the assignment of the members of the scientific service and other faculty members
- Responsible for the economic use of resources allocated to the Faculty of Research and Teaching
- Regular briefing of the Faculty Council on all important matters.
In addition, the faculty board has in particular the following tasks:
- Establishment of structure and development plans of the faculty preparation of target agreements
- Votes with the hospital board
- Establish principles for the distribution and use of research and teaching grants
- Allocation and distribution of grants
- Submission of appointment proposals to the Faculty Council
- Development of proposals for the functional description of professorial positions for the Faculty Board
- Preparation of the budget proposal, the business plan, the annual accounts and the explanatory report.