Study on uncomplicated urinary tract infections in women - medical practices wanted
Interested medical practices are being sought to recruit test subjects for a research project at Magdeburg University Hospital.
The Institute of Social Medicine and Health Systems Research at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg is conducting a study to test a questionnaire to record the symptoms and effects of uncomplicated urinary tract infections on the quality of life of affected women. Interested medical practices are being sought to help recruit study participants with acute urinary tract infections. The practices will receive an expense allowance of 100 euros plus 10 euros per patient included.
Participation in the study for the women includes an appointment with a doctor to confirm the diagnosis, followed by a survey that can be completed either in paper form or online at home. In recognition of their participation, the study participants will receive an expense allowance of 40 euros.
Further information can be found at
Contact for those interested in the study
Doreen Wolff, Institute for Social Medicine and Health Systems Research (ISMG) at Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, e-mail: , phone: 0391/6724325
Symbolic photo urinary tract infection - © Choi_ Nikolai -