Volksstimme telephone forum

06.03.2024 -  

Another edition of the Volksstimme telephone forum will take place on 12 March 2024. Readers will be able to ask questions on the topic of "Kidney therapy and transplants" to Clinic Director Prof. Peter R. Mertens and Senior Physician Dr. Christian Gross from the University Clinic for Kidney and Hypertensive Diseases, Diabetology and Endocrinology Magdeburg.

After being diagnosed with (chronic) kidney disease or renal insufficiency, those affected are very worried and have many questions, which can be answered by the two experts and informed about the latest therapies in this specialised field. Interested parties can call 0391-532970 between 10.00 and 12.00 to ask their questions.

 Prof. Dr. Peter Mertens

Photo: Prof Dr. med. Peter R. Mertens.
Photographer: Sarah Kossmann/UMMD

The kidneys are vital organs that fulfil an extremely important function: They purify the blood and influence many bodily functions. Due to the common diseases high blood pressure or diabetes mellitus, many people fall ill over a long period of time and lose kidney function. In addition, kidney damage often occurs with very low blood pressure, circulatory failure, urinary retention due to prostate enlargement or kidney stones. If this impaired function lasts longer than three months or is even permanent, it is referred to as chronic kidney disease. In people who are very overweight (obese), several risk factors for kidney damage can occur simultaneously. Older people in particular often develop chronic kidney disease. As the decline in kidney function initially causes no symptoms, it often goes unnoticed for a long time.

Dr. Christian Gross

Photo: Dr. med. Christian Gross.
Photographer: Melitta Schubert/UMMD

Chronic kidney disease often only becomes apparent when secondary diseases cause symptoms or the kidneys fail. The body then excretes too few waste products. Symptoms can affect almost the entire body, such as swelling (oedema) of the legs or face, nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, loss of appetite, weight loss, pallor, itching, tiredness and listlessness. People with chronic kidney failure have an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases such as stroke or heart attack.

There are various treatment options with the aim of stopping or delaying further weakening of the kidneys.However, it is important to treat consequences such as anaemia, hyperacidity or changes in bone metabolism. If function is severely impaired, kidney replacement procedures such as dialysis or transplantation of a donor kidney make it possible to continue living.The experts explain how these possible therapies work at the telephone forum. Magdeburg University Hospital is a regional and national centre of excellence for the diagnosis and treatment of kidney and hypertension diseases. The University Clinic for Renal and Hypertensive Diseases, Diabetology and Endocrinology Magdeburg cooperates with the Kuratorium für Dialyse und Nierentransplantation e.V (KfH), whose medical director is Prof. Dr. Peter R. Mertens. Interested parties and patients can ask the experts their personal questions on this topic in the telephone forum.

Last Modification: 07.03.2024 - Contact Person:

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