Class Family Physicians (m,f,d)
New program to recruit general practitioners for Saxony-Anhalt:
KLAHA "Class of General Practitioners (m, w, d)" at the Medical Faculty Magdeburg
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg offers with the "Class of General Practitioners (m, w, d)" - KLAHA - since the winter semester 2019/2020 at the Medical Faculty a new program for medical students throughout their studies.
This concept aims to attract future physicians to work in general medicine in Saxony-Anhalt, especially in rural areas. To this end, students are introduced to general medicine in a continuous, practical and structured manner from the first semester onwards, in order to inspire them to work as family doctors in the region.
The special feature of this program is regular practice days in general medical practices and thus very early patient contact during the course of study. The students are assigned a mentor in general medicine. During the practice days, this mentor shows them the work processes in the practice, guides them through small tasks with patients and introduces them, for example, to the special features of the respective community. In accompanying seminars, the students learn, among other things, what to consider as the owner of a medical practice and how to deal with typical concerns in a general medical consultation. In addition, electives in the preclinical and clinical study sections deal with topics related to working in general medical care in urban and rural regions.
The seminars and practice days are integrated into the curricular courses (prescribed by the Medical Licensing Regulations). The workload in the course of study is not increased.
The Saxony-Anhalt Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Sachsen-Anhalt) provides financial support for students in the "Class of Family Physicians (m, w, d)" - KLAHA. Thus, the travel costs for the practice days are covered and, in addition, a scholarship can be applied for at the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Sachsen-Anhalt. Further information can be found at:
KLAHA will enter its 3rd round in 2021:
The new freshmen can apply for a place in KLAHA now and still during the introduction days for the beginning of the semester in October 2021. To do so, the application form must be filled out and sent by e-mail to
Approximately 20 seats are planned for KLAHA 2021.