
Volksstimme telephone forum

08.05.2024 -

On May 14, 2024, Volksstimme cordially invites you to the expert telephone forum to ask your questions on the topic of "Prostate cancer: Is monitoring sufficient as a therapy?". Prof. Dr. med. Martin Schostak and Privatdozent Dr. med. Markus Porsch will be available to answer your questions.

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Parent information evenings at the University Women's Hospital Magdeburg

08.05.2024 -

On May 16, 2024, the University Clinic for Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Reproductive Medicine Magdeburg is offering a parents' information evening. The offer is aimed at parents-to-be and is intended to clarify open questions regarding pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period.

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Teaching impulse Python

07.05.2024 -

The Magdeburg Faculty of Medicine has launched a call for teaching projects to promote innovative and sustainable teaching concepts. With a total sum of 100,000 euros, the aim is to drive forward the development of digital teaching and examination concepts and promote an active teaching and learning culture.

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