Application for Advanced Semesters
Criteria for Selection
Vacant study positions are allocated to German and foreign applicants who can prove that they have the required study hours for the desired semester and have a corresponding level of education. The level of education is proven by certificates of examinations taken or certificates of successful participation in courses and internships. The selection is made according to the criteria of §9 Abs.2 HZulG LSA i.V.m. §17 Abs.2 HVVO LSA.
Applicants without a German university entrance qualification must include a language certificate at the highest level (DSH-3, TestDaF 19 points).Antragstellung
Information for the online application
It is possible to apply ONLINE for a study position.
Please submit only one application. In accordance with the University Allocation Ordinance of the State of Saxony-Anhalt, a decision will only be made on the last application received by the deadline. You will be guided through the process of entering your data. If necessary, supplementary information will be offered in a help window for the respective questions. After all necessary questions have been answered, the data will be transmitted to Otto-von-Guericke University Magdeburg and you can print these pages on your printer.
Please send the printed and signed application form as well as the other documents by the application deadline Unterlagen (WS: 15.07. / SoS: 15.01. of the year) for the study program Human Medicine to the following address:
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg
Medizinische Fakultät
Studiendekanat, Haus 2
Leipziger Str. 44
39120 Magdeburg
Only when these documents have been received by Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg will your record become a "real" application. It is recommended to keep a printout of the application for your records.
The following documents must be attached to the application for admission::
- Copy of the certificate of general higher education entrance qualification or other equivalent and equal higher education entrance qualification, in case of foreign certificates also the certified German translation
- Certificate of enrollment from the current university, stating the course of study and the number of semesters studied
- Letter of admission from Hochschulstart (copy) or letter of admission from the university (if studying in Germany)
- In case of lateral entry from another course of studies or previous studies abroad: copy of the credit transfer notice from the State Examination Office (Landesprüfungsamt)
- State examination certificates, if available (copies)
- Current certificate of achievement / Transcript of Records
- For foreign applicants who did not acquire their university entrance qualification in the Federal Republic of Germany: certificate of proof of their German language skills (officially certified)
- Other proof (e.g. hardship case)
Applications for admission without these documents will not be considered by the Medical Faculty of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg.
The deadline for subsequent submission of documents is September 1 or March 1 of each year.
Application Deadlines
- For the summer semester: January 15 (cut-off deadline).
- for the winter semester: July 15 (cut-off deadline) /
Note on the Application Semester
At the Medical Faculty of Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, first-year students are only admitted to the HUMAN MEDICINE program in the winter semester of each year. The resulting annual rhythm of the study year has an effect on the admission law in such a way that in this study program only applicants are admitted to the odd semester (3, 5, 7, ...) in the winter semester, and only applicants are admitted to the even semester (2, 4, 6, ...) in the summer semester. Applicants who, according to their previous study progress, do not correspond to this rhythm cannot be admitted.